These products start with high resolution models of potential future demand across multiple HE market segments. Your unique market footprint and performance in the data let our models work out what the data says the future holds for you. We can integrate the shifting patterns of subject demand and show how this will play out across your particular portfolio. We can look at UG or PG, UK or international. Whatever you choose you will get a full view of where the data says your university is, the track you are on, and your options to act. Read more.
Optimise admissions through data. Our student sourcing system puts advanced data analysis into the hands of marketing and recruitment teams through a simple app. Coded with your admissions objectives, it directs them to the best addressable student for each, letting you focus resource. Once applicants are in your system our products can run rich admissions simulations against your live data. Fine tune confirmation scenarios, see how bold ‘what if’ volume or quality could play out, and stress-test contextual admissions. By getting ahead of confirmation and clearing you gain clarity in how to respond to opportunities and problems alike. Read more.
These products help you to understand how you can meet a need and be a competitive option for students against an increasingly attractive sector. Our products can derive analytical-based competitor sets for you, or you use your own. We analyse each competitor across key nature and performance dimensions, seeing how they compare to you. Or you can take it further. Sifting through the public data that forms student perceptions, we look at your ‘data brand’ profile and what your options are for making improvements that will shine through against others. Or you can use our offer-reply products to investigate what works for you in offer making and what levers you have to pull to win more firm replies. Read more.