Grade shock?
University admissions have endured three years of wild swings in A level grades. It looks like 2023 will make that four.
University admissions have endured three years of wild swings in A level grades. It looks like 2023 will make that four.
University intakes show rising shares of overseas students. Why?
It depends where you look, but the week after results has been unusually quiet.
What is the 2021 offer data telling us about the future?
What if high inflation returned?
What does mitigating pandemic disruption on the 2021 cohort mean for grades and numbers?
Proposals to change admissions seem motivated by removing problems with predicted grades. But are these real?
How much does it cost to address student value-for-money fears in a pandemic?
Why number controls are not a good match to an uncertain 2020.
2020 won’t have exams. This need not be a problem for admissions.
POLAR and MEM are often set up in opposition. Mark Corver, who developed both measures, sees it differently.